Sonntag, 9. Mai 2021

A 20 year old dating a 14 year old online

A 20 year old dating a 14 year old online

a 20 year old dating a 14 year old online

Sex is not a good idea for a 15 year old. The idea of a 20 year being as mature as a 15 year old is worrying. ignore the responses that tell you to have sex with whoever you want. at 15 you need time to develop your self-respect and grow into your body fully before giving it to someone else  · Alright, I have this friend who's dating a 20 year old, and he's only I think it's pretty crazy, but I talked to my other friend about it, and he thinks that the kid should get congratulated. They met over Xbox Live and they have seen each oth  · I too thought that I was the only exception. When you are 14, it's difficult to see the manipulations he is putting upon you. These people are right when you are 14, you tend to be naive and blindsided by reality. You are not emotionally ready or old enough to date a 20 year old. Any 20 year old who would date a young child isn't mentally healthy

14 Year old dating a 20 year old?

I was gonna say something but you said it all Buchita, so ill thumb you instead :. I don't know. I just wish more young teens would not make these mistakes over and over. Also the thing that's more important here is why in the fuck would a 20 year old want anything to do with a 14 year old? This dude is a loser if he was somewhat cool or popular or had a good job he wouldn't be wasting his time with a little girl this a 20 year old dating a 14 year old online is an absolute loser.

Nope, I know exactly what I'm doing. Nah, not every 14 year old because I know exactly what I'm doing, I'm mature for my age, you may have been stupid at that age but I'm definitely not, get over it lol. You are not a boy More importantly you are not a boy who has used his social status to take advantage of young girls like yourself I play Lacrosse and I'm really popular at my school, the past two years Since grade 11 I've taken advantage of 2 girls each year who were your age in grade 9.

Now so I was taking advantage of these girls okay but when it comes to girlfriends I would never date a girl who was more than a year younger than me. Now the guys who date younger girls Guys who are in grade 12 dating grade 9's are the "Losers" the guys who are ugly who no one likes who never go to parties, a 20 year old dating a 14 year old online, so the same can be said in your situation, WHAT IN THE FUCK WOULD A 20 YEAR OLD DUDE WHO'S ALMOST DONE COLLEGE WANT WITH A GRADE 9!

The dude is finishing University or has already finished college for christs sake the fact that this dude is looking for girls your age to date shows that he couldn't hang with the big boys in college so he has to go compete with children, Loser If she wants to get used for sex, then it's on her. She's the rule, not the exception. I hope you're not a predator yourself Mr. And go ahead asker, but you got so many people who already warned you. So if he uses you for sex, don't act innocent and surprised.

he's had PLENTY of opportunities to have sex with me which you guys clearly aren't understanding. Ok so you're not dumb right? How many years have you lived on your own? How many years have you been employed? You are a child but are clearly too stupid to even know it. A 20 year old dating a 14 year old online I was 14 yes I was dumb and naïve. EVERY yes EVERY 14 year old is young and dumb. its your opinion. I mean, there are 14 year olds that are in college.

lol so your comment was stupid, but believe what you want. We all have different beliefs and I guess this is one of them, well nice to hear your opinion!

Asker What I'm trying to get across is that this dude is playing you the only difference between me and him is the worst that can happen to me is I might get the shit kicked out of me by the girls dad where as he would go to jail! This dude probably has his own car and his own place to live a 20 year old dating a 14 year old online god's sake this dude is a straight scum bag and if you're so confident that you're right why don't you tell your parents this is going on?

You haven't told your parents because deep down you know that you shouldn't be doing this deep down you know this guy is a loser and the second you start telling people everyone is going to know. So if this man is "A Great Guy" then have your parents meet him! Show your father and mother what a nice ADULT you're dating, and you should meet his parents!

They can see what a cute LITTLE GIRL they're son is dating the reason I'm not telling my parents is because they're too judgmental. Asker Why isn't he telling his Parents? Because he knows what he is doing is wrong and his parents would tell him to stop TAKING ADVANTAGE OF A LITTLE GIRL!!! This dude knows what he's doing is wrong and deep down as much as you would like to deny it you know that he is taking advantage of you and he's a loser.

Now at the end of the day nobody can stop you from continuing to date this dude however you need to understand that what you're doing is not right this guy is beyond a reasonable doubt trying to take advantage of you and it's important that you understand that.

but I do get what you're saying, thank you. Asker The biggest thing you need to take away from this is he is going to want sex, he doesn't want it now because he knows it will scare you off if you say you do so you absolutely have to know that he is going to try and have sex with you and you cannot consent because it will ruin you.

So know that he's working towards sex with you he's just buying his time and waiting for the right moment. Oh child asker. You got like over 60 responses from GROWN ADULTS, older than this random Anon guy you chose for Most Helpful Opinion. That seems too coincidental. You're just going for confirmation bias, he told you what you wanna hear, so you agree.

Probably the same with your boyfriend. I'm not the smartest person, but I've had too many of my friends in your shoes who were pumped then dumped. But ok. So if you don't mind getting used for sex, perhaps later, or hearing he's engaged or something.

But don't act surprised. I hope you realize this mistake before you make it. What does a 14 year old being in college have to do with maturity?

A college course does not make someone an adult, a 20 year old dating a 14 year old online. You are reaching and doing a bad job at it. Hi sweetie, I know it's hard to be in your shoes right now.

But a 20 year old dating a 14 year old online listen to everybody here! We may not really know you, but we DO care about fellow humans and we know how it feels to get hurt. I know you're a very smart girl, and sometimes smart people make stupid decisions.

You're just 14 though; you should be having fun with your friends and enjoying your hobbies. Your brain is still just a baby; I'm not saying that to be mean. It won't be fully mature until you're 25; I'm 28 and still do dumb stuff sometimes! I know how it hurts to get played. I can totally understand why you didn't tell your parents, but I'm also relieved that you at least felt comfortable talking here. PLEASE be careful! And I'm not saying he will if he ever does ANYTHING that makes you get a red flag that is, question his motive tell somebody.

We'd all like to help you. Lol i have said the same thing to him at least once BuchitaBuchys asker everyone has experienced things even if they are 8. You are not an experienced adult regardless. Every youth thinks they know better and think they are mature. In 10 years you will look back and see but you can't see now sadly, a 20 year old dating a 14 year old online.

asker ok ya it's true. I don't know u. But if u were mature enough to understand what's at stake, a 20 year old dating a 14 year old online, u a 20 year old dating a 14 year old online put yourself or that guy through the trouble that could arise.

Do u like this guy enough to kno he could go to jail? You're But you're obviously gonna do it anyways. Learn for yourself then. If it works out, then good, happiness is all that counts. I can't sit here and say which kind of love is or isn't right, but just know that the odds are stacked against u. Because you're underage, u don't have a say in what u do legally. U live under your parent's roof, and a 20 year old dating a 14 year old online bought nearly everything u own. Sadly, they have a say in your "life" which doesn't even start until after hs When ur 18 u can date 90 year olds until u pass out.

But girl, you're setting yourself up for failure. But do whatever u want. U can let your future daughter know how that worked out. And thank u BuchitaBuchys I don't mind. I like your style. I totally agree, but then again you can't nothing, of course she doesn't want to hear what you guys want to say so she'll just go out with him anyway. But then again she isn't our responsibility. Were just giving her tips and advice of how something is fishy about him.

A 14 year old going out with some 20 year doesn't make sense. Excuse but he's a guy of course he knows how guys are. They sweet talk you and can easily get in yours pants you just have to be careful and listen to the words. Just because you are 14 doesn't mean you are ready to go above and beyond and date someone who is 6 years older than you.

He's either immature or just wants to take advantage of you. You think you know everything you, are only Trust me I'm 18, and I would never date someone who is 6 years older than me.

He could sweet talk you into having sex with him.

I'm 14 & Dating A 20 Year Old, Thoughts? - GirlsAskGuys

a 20 year old dating a 14 year old online

 · I too thought that I was the only exception. When you are 14, it's difficult to see the manipulations he is putting upon you. These people are right when you are 14, you tend to be naive and blindsided by reality. You are not emotionally ready or old enough to date a 20 year old. Any 20 year old who would date a young child isn't mentally healthy 20 is the age gap dating site where you can only view profiles of people who are 20 years older, or 20 years younger! Anyone outside of this range is never shown. For example, if you're 40 years old you can date anyone aged 18 to If you're 18 you can date people aged 38 years or older Sex is not a good idea for a 15 year old. The idea of a 20 year being as mature as a 15 year old is worrying. ignore the responses that tell you to have sex with whoever you want. at 15 you need time to develop your self-respect and grow into your body fully before giving it to someone else

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